Ist Blutzucker bei Diabetes immer zu hoch?
Hallo Zusammen
ich war gestern aufgrund eines Blutzucker von 25 mmol/l im Krankenhaus… Heute morgen ist mein Blutzucker wider normal…
ich habe gestern nichts gegessen… Meine Frage jetzt, woher kommt dieser hohe Blutzucker und heute wider der normale????
Did they give you something in the hospital?
And yes, a label of diabetes is too high blood sugar levels. Subsequent sugar can also occur in diabetics, for example if they don’t eat and still take their medicines or if they are dosed incorrectly.
Hey Hallihallo706, 👋
in untreated diabetics: yes.
For treated diabetics: no.
V. a. with type 1 diabetics
from & too low if e.g.
too much insulin.
These are 450 mg/dl! Auweia! What happened
because in the hospital?
Weren’t they checked?
What was the BZ lowered with? Which
You got drugs/infusions?
Or did he fall by himself?
Is your C peptide normal?
Why do you eat (again) nothing?
What did you drink yesterday?
And how do we know?
Please leave an endocrologist
examine/check through.
LG 🙋🏻
The best way to discuss this with your doctor, which is the best diet for you.
It has been shown that diabetes is less common in people with higher magnesium intake.
Magnesium improves the effect of body-specific insulin.
This also enables a better setting of blood sugar in the diabetics.
This blood sugar does not reach a healthy person, you have diabetes.