ist bluefire ein guter Einstieg für die erste achterbahn?
Also bin mir nicht so sicher ich hab zwar keine Angst vor den looping und so ich habe eher Angst das meine hände schwitzig werden und ich mich nicht mehr soo gut festhalten kann das is schon ein komischer Gedanke aber ja
Technically, you don’t have to stick, I never do, but actually the Blue Fire has quite cool handles, a bit like a steering wheel, because you can hold yourself well and comfortably.
Blue Fire was the first rollercoaster for me many years ago with screws and loops, and she wanted to do more!
Jaa thank you, but I’m just a man when everyone has the hands in the air I’m the only one who holds around her life
Hey, so I was a Europe park last night, and I drove almost all roller coasters. Bluefire is already very violent, I think. It is best to start with the Euromir (Sorry for spelling) which is high, but in my opinion not so fast or I did not find it so violent. It’s a taste
I actually drive everything, no matter how high or how fast, but the Euro-Mir is a torture machine for me, which I would recommend to a maximum of people I hate.
She’s great. I’ve been driving so often.
Really, haha. I think she’s cool, and I know what’s so bad about it?
Okk thank you for the tipp 🙂 but there I’ve got a shot when I have to drive the mountain backwards yes and blue fire I definitely want
Okay, yeah. If you drive backwards, it’s a bit stupid, but if it should fit, turn your head back. It sounds weird, but it really helps.
Up? It’s 28 meters
Rather question of pain tolerance.
Is a pussy thing
Generally, it is quite rough, and when you drive the last part backwards, it feels almost as if the track wants to break the neck.
Generally, I find rollercoasters that drive backwards, kill.
I didn’t think about it