Ist Bitlocker als Passwort bei einem USB Stick sicher?

Kann man nicht irgendwie das Passwort von einem USB Stick der mit Bitlocker verschlüsslet wurde entfernen, sodass man dann zugriff auf die Daten hat?

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1 year ago

The Bitlocker uses the AES encryption method. It’s “safe.”

If you do not know the password, you can only try. If you have a “weak password”, i.e. very short or often common words, then this is done relatively quickly.

Strong passwords are long and contain more or less random character combinations.

If the password is strong enough, there are so many ways to try that a simple computer is busy for thousands of years to reach a 50:50 chance to have tried the right password or you have to spend many hundred thousand or million euros for renting a supercomputer to crack the time.

So yes, the encryption with Bitlocker can be very safe. Someone has to know that the data is worth so much money that it’s worth cracking.

1 year ago

No, that’s the meaning of encryption.

It is not that there is somewhere you need a password to read the stick. And because that’s how you can’t remove the password.

The data are really encrypted and without the knowledge of the password NUTZLOS. The password is also not stored anywhere on the stick. And you cannot read this password using data on the stick.

It’s safe enough for most purposes you could do with it.

1 year ago
Reply to  TheQ86

Unless… The key is stored in an MS account and you have access to the same…

1 year ago
Reply to  desnake3

You’ve captured it, and then all the data is on it

2 months ago

By encoding, you occasionally set yourself a leg.

A good tip is to write the password on a notebook and store it.
In an encrypted LibreOffice Writer file, passwords are also well kept. I can access the file in my FritzBox NAS from anywhere.
Encryptions that are not bound to the unfree Microsoft are better for me.

1 year ago
