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Keine Ahnung ob man sowas reparieren kann. Sieht schon heftig aus.
Allows yes, but if it comes to an accident then you are the crimped so to speak
Yeah, but…
In principle, it is allowed, but of course not advantageous. It doesn’t look so good in an accident.
Not prohibited, but also not recommended and negligent in the event of a avoidable accident.
It’s allowed, but what happens is your fault.
The police will also ask you to wear shoes when you check. It’s not recommended for free.
Yeah, but if that’s why an accident happens (e.g. if you slip off the brake pedal because of the missing shoes) then you’ll be there.
Yes is allowed, but on this heat I would rather give up o.o
Why wouldn’t you miss it on the heat? 🤔
Because the pedals are made of metal and you could burn your feet o.o
Yes, but without a driver’s license is not allowed…
Really? I didn’t know yet. You’re crazy
Here you see
Private yes, professional no.