Ist “arbeitsuchend” bei Bewerbungen ein Minuspunkt?
Ich bin derzeit in einer befristeten Anstellung, die zum 31.12. endet.
Sollte ich also bis Januar keine neue Stelle gefunden haben, bin ich offiziell arbeitslos/arbeitsuchend – finde ich persönlich nicht so schlimm, kann jedem mal passieren.
Aber ist es für die Personalchefs ein Minuspunkt, wenn “arbeitsuchend” im Lebenslauf steht? Sollte man das bei Bewerbungen besser nicht angeben?
Don’t have to go to the resume if it’s up to date. And is not bad, most people know that there are fixed-term contracts.
Job seekers are often only an euphemism for unemployed.
However, if you are actually looking for work, you should also write the m.M.n.
For example: “Since 01.01.2023 looking for work”.
Looking for work !
It is mentioned that at the present time there is a fixed-term relationship that is not extended.
So you’re looking for a new job as : give to what you’ve learned and worked
You should indicate in the CV that it is a temporary contract until 31.12.
Not if you add it to the phrase “, but highly motivated”.
I wouldn’t. That sounds exaggerated.
You don’t write it in the resume. You write in what you did last and finished.
If you’re getting involved, you should find another place this year.
You should write in what you do. If you’re currently looking for work, that’s not an honorary thing.