Ist Alkohol wirklich so gefährlich?

Kann das wirklich sein? Vom Selbstschädigenden Aspekt(Blau) ungefähr auf einer Stufe mit Kokain…

Kann das wirklich sein?

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7 months ago


A problem with alcohol is that it is being harmless, because the worst consequences become apparent only after years.

Alcohol is a cell poison. It is the trigger of over 200 different diseases.

Alcoholism is a triple disease: it makes body, mind and soul sick. And with regard to the spiritual and psychological consequences, it is contagious. Also the close persons are sick.

7 months ago

Yes, he is, also independent of this statistics.

Alcohol is a sneaking poison that can make dependent and that is so dangerous because it is usually noticed too late. Dependence is one danger, the harmful effect on body and brain cells and thus on vital organs in the case of high regular consumption is the other danger.

Since it is a legal drug and is part of the German “culture” (especially the Bavarian culture), which also involves jobs, it is so dangerous. Many diseases could be avoided due to excessive alcohol consumption if one would effectively limit it from the law, but this would also cause losses in alcohol and pharmaceutical industries.

Everything has its price and it is due when it comes to politics and business that pay stupid citizens.


7 months ago

I think there’s a whole picture. Maybe it’s under the influence of drugs, but there’s also the procurement crime, which is a lot higher in drugs, because drugs are also a lot more expensive than alcohol.

7 months ago

That may be, only with alcohol it is the amount and the percentage height that makes the decisive difference.

Low-potentiated alcohol in beverages can even have a positive effect. The problem is the own limits from which it will be dangerous to learn.

7 months ago

Of course it is.

Go to a Oktoberfest.

7 months ago

Kills millions a year.

7 months ago

I’m just saying drunk E Scooter driver and E Scooter in the Rhine.

7 months ago

The annual global follow-up deaths by alcohol can be googled.
If you can…

7 months ago

Oh yes, look at reports about it