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2 years ago

Cannabis and alcohol together are an absolute NoGo.

Because alcohol lowers the inhibitory threshold, you become more risky then, if necessary, more often on the joint than required. Consequence: film crack/control loss, embarrassing situations and then quite shame.

2 years ago

Depends on the amount and exercise on it. The mix CAN be funny but can also go to the back

The biggest mistake is in any case before baptizing and then smoking, then usually worry about, otherwise it is usually, but also always with care and not equal to half a bottle

aalbtraum, UserMod Light

“Dangerous” I wouldn’t say. Is, however, very ineffective. Drug use can, of course, be particularly harmful especially when it comes to growing up.

Generally, it depends on many factors how a substance affects a human (-> Settings). This is already very complex in individual drugs and only more complex in the combined consumption of two or more substances.

The same active ingredient is always used in the alcohol. It’s not like cannabis. This plant contains numerous active ingredients which, depending on the variety and cultivation conditions, can be present in more or less large quantities and determine the overall effect. In the black market you never know exactly what you get. Neither cultivation nor trade are as strictly controlled as is customary in legal drugs.

The DrugScouts give the following warning to this Consumption Out:

The alcohol effect is enhanced and the cannabis effect is covered, the combination can cause nausea and (strong) circulatory problems.

General information on the effects and side effects as well as the risks associated with consumption can be found, for example, in the DrugScouts or here:

2 years ago

It’s not a good idea, but you won’t die.

2 years ago

Both are individually harmful. Together they are still harmful.