Ist Alkohol nicht eigentlich voll die schlimme Droge?

Ich merke an mir selbst wie ich Alkohol verwende um Probleme in meinem Leben besser zu kompensieren aber letztlich Alkohol ja nicht wirklich hilft.


Ich hab erst spät mit Ende 20 meinen ersten Kuss gehabt und zuvor darunter gekleidet dass bei mir nie was mit Mädels lief.

Als ich dann durch das ständige Ausgehen in Clubs mit Alkohol mit ein paar Mädels rumgeknutscht habe, wollte ich das immer öfter. Das ist bis heute so. Und es fällt mir mit Alkohol leichter in diesen Modus zu kommen wo man Frauen anspricht.

Letztlich macht das süchtig. Solang ich keine Freundin hab will ich ja ständig das am Wochenende machen.

Aber letztlich ist der nächste Tag dann immer hin wegen Alkohol.

Das ist nen Teufelskreis und schade dass Alkohol in unserer Gesellschaft normal ist und verharmlost wird

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3 months ago

Alcohol is worse than illegal drugs because it is legally and accepted by society. Dependence is a creeping process and brings with it mental and physical.

3 months ago

Right, alcohol is a nasty drug that many people use to feel better, but in the end it makes everything worse. The vicious circle is real. Try to get on with you without alcohol, it really helps more than you think.

3 months ago

Yes, it is.

Just because it’s legal, it’s not healthy…

3 months ago

Well, if you abuse alcohol, that’s a bad drug, of course. Which can also cause a lot of damage in the body. The deficiencies (psychic as well as physical is sneaking, especially in the psychic. It’s also often haunted.

As long as alcohol is used as a pure consumable, it’s okay.

3 months ago

Alcohol mistorts one – in the long term – actually the brain! Sugar (even the industrial in chocolate, for example) as well!

The “Pils” for dinner (and perhaps one more on the sofa) is unfortunately socially grown and accepted. Just like adding the “sich ne King-Size 300 grams apple of chocolate”.

Since a short quarter of the year, I have been deliberately shortening both (alcohol and industrial sugar – the latter is so good with continued normal diet) and have simply decreased 11KG 🙃

Note: both (alcohol, and ind. Sugar) the body (maximum our head – but also this is pure “headache”) actually doesn’t need anything!

3 months ago

Alcohol is the devil. but the dosis makes this poison…. as british all.

However, alcohol is the sharpest when it comes to death or destroying existence…

3 months ago

simply celebrate without alcohol.

and realize that you can land with women. you just have to trust a little bit more;-)

3 months ago

Yes, you see that right. However, without discernment, people can only take their traditional noise, even for such questions one often gets a lot of hatred. Alcohol kills people, but we are talking about grass.

3 months ago

It should be common knowledge that alcohol abuse is a lot more people than abuse of all other drugs.
That the economic damage caused by alcohol is greater than the damage caused by which drug.
That in case of problems alcohol is not different than a temporary anesthesia. Problems are not solved by alcohol. They are reinforced by alcohol.

Nevertheless, alcohol is in almost all mouths.
Alcohol is such an inseparable part of our culture, also as an important economic factor, that alcohol is not understood as a drug, but as a quality of life.

3 months ago

Alk is cultured in his various forms – at least between the Arab Egypt (beer) and the Nordkap – i.e. (where else are these other drugs) that you have to deal with it.

3 months ago

Right, alcohol is like chocolate a bad drug… Lg

3 months ago

For me, definitely yes, but unfortunately a “still” legal drug. The state deserves well! M52

3 months ago

No, the alcohol isn’t your problem, he just shows up.

For most of us, consumption is completely harmless and simply something nice.