Ist 80€ im monat für internet zu teuer?

Ich habe für mich und meine famile internet für zuhause also von der telekom ich habe mehrere probleme geräte ziehen kein wlan mein Fernseher lässt sich damit nicht verbinen, und ich habe weder magenta tv noch irgendetwas. Davor war ich bei osnatel da lief alles perfekt.

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8 months ago

If you have not yet received a very high-quality addition for free at the conclusion of the contract, or if you still have mobile rates or the bandwidth is 1 GBit/s, this internet connection is considerably overpriced.

8 months ago

Yes, I would not pay more than 50 Euros, even if it is only 50 Mbits and the government and the provider are “traurig”.

8 months ago

This is now a very manageable error description.

What exactly does “does not pull Wi-Fi”?

Which router do you use?

Do you also have mesh components from Telekom and if so what and how many and how are they connected?

Do you use the MyMagenta app? If so, imagine a screenshot of your MESH topology. Maybe you’ll even describe your complete topology.

8 months ago
Reply to  Hsudbsbs2737

You can download the app and then log in with your Telekom login.

Okay. Fritzbox. And the other questions?

8 months ago

So I’m currently paying €55 for 250 MBit and telephone flat rate, and find it too expensive, which is why I’m going to change after ~ 10 years.

Accordingly, I find 80 € extremely expensive if it is not at least. 1,000 Mbits.

8 months ago


I don’t that we can support you in your questions.

I am sure you have not only a pure internet connection for 80,00 €, or actually a very fast fiber optic connection with more than 250 Mbit/s.


8 months ago

I find 80€ too expensive, I pay 30€ for 110 Mbit/s and am very happy with it. I would not pay more, nor would I know what I would need 200 or even 500 Mbit/s.

8 months ago

80€ are too much. That’s sick

8 months ago
Reply to  Nutzer4596

For 16Mbit yes, for 1000Mbit no