ist 80ccm auf 125ccm umrüsten möglich?

vorneweg ich bin nicht so in diesem Thema drin weswegen ich auch die Frage stelle.

Also ich bin jetzt 15 und habe vor einen A1 Führerschein zu machen mit dem man Motorrädern mit einem Hubraum bis zu 125 ccm und einer Motorleistung von maximal 11 kW bzw. 15 PS fahren darf. Jetzt hatte mein Vater noch eine Honda MT8 zuhause stehen welche er von einem Freund vor mehr als 15 Jahren geschenkt bekommen hat was aber nicht wichtig ist hier. Da man mit dem A1 ja bis zu 125ccm fahren darf und die MT 8 nur 80ccm hat möchte ich sie so weit wie möglich aufrüsten und dabei die Straßenzulassung noch bekommen. Da ich mich wie gesagt in dem Thema nicht wirklich gut auskenne wollte ich fragen ob sonst jemand eine Idee hat…

Danke im vorraus

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2 years ago

This moped is more than twice as old as you.

I’m an old bag of over 50, I went to school with the street version of this thing (MB-8), and that was already too of Time completely outdated.

It is better from the technical substance for light years than any Simson (no piece of art), but the years do not pass without trace. Starting with the 6V-electric, which, by the way, is likely to be a permanent theater because the insulation of the cables and the like is brittle.

What you’re up to is the entry into the veteran sport, a “resto-mode”. And according to experience, this does not save money, but it costs Money. Significantly more than if you had hired a five-year-old Aprilia scooter or something. Because once you’ve built the 125 kit (you can google in three seconds, how good and just you get this one) then you’ll throw more good money after the bad one.

Sunk cost fallacy.

Don’t get used to that.

You can do anything like that, but for the right reasons, please.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lugge974

It makes a huge difference. The water-cooled MBX 80R (I hope this is what you mean) had a 30-time better pro-link suspension. I picked them up a year later after I drove the MB to Klump and almost killed me. From the substance a much better machine. Unfortunately, only insignificantly younger, of which, in principle, exactly the same applies. Googele is the 125 kit with the year of construction and the corresponding Honda factory name, which is somewhere in the papers and is NOT MBX, but what like RC or NC or PC or the like with a double-digit number that is NOT 80. You need an eligible kit with expert advice. Go to Honda or Mopedforen.

But it’s thrown out money and with the used Aprilia scooter you could already be on the go while the first interested parties for the MBX could have found themselves if you had already advertised it.

2 years ago


you could build another engine.

But that would not be worth the time and the money.

Then you’d rather buy a 125 with 15 hp (if you want the maximum performance) or drive with the MT8 and 80ccm if you want to save money.

LG Schurzi21