Ist 50kg zu viel für 163cm?

Heyy ich wollte fragen, ob ich mit 16 Jahren und 50kg bei 163cm zu viel wiege? Ich hab das Gefühl ich wiege etwa gleichviel wenn nicht weniger als meine Freunde aber sie sind trotzdem dünner als ich. Ich fühle mich unwohl in meinem Körper und weiss nicht ob ich abnehmen sollte?

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1 year ago

that’s perfectly fine. you have a BMI of about 18.8. Normal weight is 18.5-25. As soon as you weigh under 49.2kg, you are already underweight. So you shouldn’t take off. I myself am 17 years old, 164cm and weigh 57kg and am still thin. In each person, the fat distribution is also different, the one just put more fat on the legs, the other on the stomach and others on the arms. It can also be that you perceive your own body differently than it actually is. If you feel uncomfortable for a long time, talk to friends or family about it, they can help you build your self-confidence. I had times when I felt really uncomfortable, but then that went away sometime, especially when I noticed that everyone had a body in the end. if you look at other people on social media you probably get another picture. No one is protected from that. If you really want to change something, maybe try other clothes that you really like or register in the gym to build muscles, so you can feel more comfortable. But then you have to make sure you eat a lot so that you really build muscles and don’t take any more. You’re great as you are, your body as well.

1 year ago

This is normal weight, rather downward trend. You could increase 5-10 kg and it would be okay.

Why your friends look thinner at the same weight, I just can’t say. But you feel uncomfortable, it’s because you’re comparing yourself with them. That’s not healthy.

6 months ago

Believe in yourself and trust me you don’t need to lose weight.

1 year ago

No do not lose weight

1 year ago


1 year ago

No, you’re perfect! 50kg are rather too little.

1 year ago
Reply to  Emilyrecovery

You know that when you click on your profile, your answer becomes unbelievable….

1 year ago

Now I have a disease in My head 🙂 which I very hate. I know what a healthy weight is and I don’t want to slip the other one!

1 year ago

If you weigh 1.63, 50 kilos, you’re slender.

1 year ago

No, that’s all right. If you want to lose weight, of course, but your weight is already perfect.

1 year ago
Reply to  LinnyKpop13

No it is already at the lower end therefore definitely not decreasing

1 year ago

You have a normal weight.

1 year ago

comes to your body.

someone can weigh 100kg and be overweight or 100kg and last very muscular.

when you feel uncomfortable then change what and start to make sport and feed you better

1 year ago

No, you don’t weigh too much. With your weight you are slim and should be safe not decrease.