Ist 1cp-LSD noch legal in DE?

Wollte mal fragen, ob 1cp noch immer in Deutschland legal ist.

Ich habe nicht vor, es zu konsumieren, nur als Substanzprobe aufzubewahren. Der Konsum liegt mir daher fern.

Demnach interessiert mich nur, ob der Erwerb und Besitz aus Deutschland z.B. von eBay rechtlich keine Probleme darstellt.

Vielen Dank schonmal im Vorraus!

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4 years ago

Is 1cP-LSD prohibited?

All substitutions, i.e. possible changes in the molecule, are also explicitly mentioned in the NpSG. While in most groups of substances, “cyclic substitutions” are also explicitly mentioned, this entry is actually lacking in lysergamides (“LSD derivatives”).

It is therefore in fact that 1cP-LSD can be bought legally in Germany at the current stand (13.01.2021).

Source: status/

So about a month ago it was legal.

4 years ago

It is still legal, however, to change in March

4 years ago
Reply to  lophotricho

No if you don’t order huge quantities, there’s nothing to happen and if you find it too risky then buy at whatsapp contacts that are unreliable but risk freer

In addition, I have read that the property should not be banned, but only the sale of it I have not found any information on the internet

3 years ago

Small update: It is still legal but from July it is Illegal

3 years ago

The question is already a little older but 1cP-LSD is no longer legal. However, there is again a new derivative called 1V-LSD.

This can be bought mainly from reputable manufacturers such as or 1PLSD.

Have tried it before and can tell you that the optics at 1V-LSD are stronger than at 1cP-LSD.