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This is a normal body size for a woman.
Thanks for the star.
I myself am 1.63m tall and don’t always come to the top shelf so no, I don’t feel it as big but also not small, I am happy despite that I have to ask for help or need a treadcrum. My mother was 1.58m tall, my father is 1.68m tall, so the apple has not fallen far from the tree but I say so I felt uncomfortable at that time in my youth that I had not cracked the 1.60m mark, it was shy and today I think shit on it but at that time it had no relation to self-confidence, but with buying pants and tops, so I was just forced to buy pants.
Today I can finally buy thanks to these few cm pants in 36-38, clearly still doesn’t fit perfectly and I’m annoying myself regularly but as an adult woman I don’t have to look for pants in the children’s/youth department anymore, which then sometimes have funny ornaments or washes when you get bad luck. Environment/health/health state-relevant behaviour/Tables/Coerpermass women.html
No, on average.
I don’t care, should I say “I feel below average? Where do you get to when you define the average? For me these 1,63m are not big but also not small, only bigger than I was and therefore overall perfect for me because I have what I missed back then than teenagers. Trousers to wear, it came to me to be able to wear tops that I didn’t have to change extra yet to wear jackets and so a few centimeters make a difference. So thank you for the link but I did not want an assessment of my body size is my own and I am satisfied with it and this is probably the most important, has no added value to know that I am under average.
Then hope I never answer a question from you 🙂 There is probably also a novel xD I like to write in detail.
By the way: I have no idea why you’re writing postings on the subject for so long. Your life story was not in demand
Sorry, I was wrong. Should answer the questioner.
No, 164 cm is medium and normal.
For me with the perfect size a woman, just too ideal.
This is normal so 165 or even smaller is the average. But know very many the 170 are so no you are not big but also not really small.
Joa, isn’t that big. lol
Although it is not far below average.
Minimum average. But not big.
Not sure
The average is 1.69m-1.70m in Germany I thought… I remembered at least that. This is the case in the Netherlands. I want to argue with statistics and deviations
But why always; the thirsty is really only at 1,65/1,66 for women in Germany.
Oh, really… So I know I’m right
No, but I don’t care about size.
The average body size of women is 1.65m, so you are below.
Ws is right. 😊
With the size you are neither small, nor big, say exactly in the middle.
It’s a normal size for me.
No. They are thus just below the female average size of German women.
Best regards
In Germany, women are on average 165.8cm. 164cm is therefore slightly below average
Normally, I’d say.
Greeting Bernd.
Would say cut to bite smaller
rather small
slightly below average: Environment/health/health state-relevant behaviour/Tables/Coerpermass women.html
I think a good average for a woman.