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That’s all about the job. For example, for a nursing professional, this is too small, for a counterforce at McDonald’s.
It depends on???
With national vocational training???
Is this very good…
Others increase in these conditions as career starters and a lot of bad luck in a weak (specialised) area
12.50€ or only 1€….1.50€/h above the minimum wage as here e.g.
Others at 2….2.50€ over minimum wage and others back at 3.50 to 5€ above the minimum wage and arrive in the first year at 16…17 …18€/h.
For someone with completed university studies rather little…& for better earners who get the double this is a small pocket money or would not put an alarm clock or even think about it XD – to say it very overshot.
No and yes – that depends on the profession…
And “fair” is relative anyway. As a medical/specialist employee, you are in the field at first, but it is not fair anyway.
will work in logistics
There are still several professions…
Logistics can range from package to truck driver…
It depends on your profession and your degree!
There’s no bad money for a couper of fresh from teaching!
But for a graduate of a university who just completed his master this would be a laugh number!
So always depends on it. Greetings
Without calling the job, you can judge it badly, but it is normal for the EInstieg in most industries.
It depends on what you do. For example, you would give someone for babysitting or for help.
according to
for what and how climbing opportunities are
That depends on what the activity is.
It certainly depends on the profession and the previous knowledge. And to the negotiation skill. You could also buy a “en” for a euro, because it means “a professional beginner”.