Ist 1100€ Miete zu viel?
Ich lebe seit 5 Jahren mit meiner Mutter und Schwester in einer 85qm Wohnung mit 4 Zimmern und Jobcenter zahlt 900-1.000€ . Früher hat mein Bruder auch mit uns gewohnt, ist aber vor 2 Jahren ausgezogen. Kann es sein, dass Jobcenter Rausschmeißt oder so?
I hope for you that the job center knows about the excerpt of the brother.
Neither can it, nor can it. But you can get a cost reduction requirement.
Certainly not if the job center has already asked you to reduce costs in writing, because the costs of the accommodation according to the SGB – ll are no longer appropriate for 3 persons, after the mentioned transitional period in writing it will only be the one in it max. Pay for the warm rental.
Then you would have to pay the difference from the standard requirement for living or own income.
a lot too high .. first of all .. the landlord rents by size, new cover, new building, equipment also of the outdoor area such as elevator e.g. – perhaps he also asks how much residents – but whether single or more – the apartment is too expensive for someone who lives from the job center – me wonders that the landlord does so because the paperwork has it if the rental payments are so shaky
Why don’t you try it with work? Didn’t you dare to get off the JC?
I’m sure I don’t work for minimum wage
With a good training you don’t have to.
It’s okay. I also live from the office because I have no time to work
Can you explain that a little?