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Warum sagen so viele das wasabi scharf ist?
Ich habe etwa eine halbe Hand Wasabi gegessen und es war überhaupt nicht scharf, nur ein Stechen auf der Zunge Ist das alles oder hab ich ein Problem mit Geschmack? Also krank oder nicht Oder normal
Always. It’s a must. With Wasabi, without avocado.
No, because I don’t like Wasabi.
Except for certain varieties (Tamago Nigiri, Inari, Uni), but otherwise I like to eat it with Wasabi! More important to me is the ginger.
Ginger on it or in between? You eat it in between to neutralize
I eat either a piece sushi and then directly after the ginger or before I take a new piece. Putting the ginger directly on the sushi brings bad karma say the sushi master😆
You, I don’t care. Some Japanese eat the sushi with their hands. And not all Japanese always stick to the label
Many put it on… When I see this in the restaurant, I got the guy to explain what they’re doing wrong.
I find the fork users worse…. This is without respect for the culture you want to experience.
A colleague once gave me real Wasabi to taste what a difference. We offer more of the cheaply ground horseradish, mixed with Japanese mustard and green food color:
But not always and just a little bit.
Even quite a lot of it
Not my case
LG your finger
I’m not a sushi friend
Yeah, always with Wasabi.
I like this sharpness that lasts very briefly
Come on to the sushi, but… usually: Yes!
with sticks!!1
I also like normal rice.