Is isotretinoin necessary?

Unfortunately, I suffer from moderate to severe acne, if I had to assess the severity, and I've tried every possible non-medicinal method to get rid of it, with little to no success. The acne is only on my upper body (chest, shoulders, back) and not on my face, which is why I haven't considered isotretinoin yet, as I'm worried that unaffected areas might become too dry or dehydrated after treatment. However, continuing to walk around with such a minefield isn't an option for me either, as it's psychologically stressful for me in thermal baths, saunas, outdoor pools, etc., and the acne also bleeds regularly.

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2 months ago

Isotretinoin could certainly help you, you just need to be aware of side effects and be patient. I think I see a completely different problem with the idea. If you like to make power sprinkler, isotretinoin becomes a problem as it can happen in sport to muscle decay. Therefore, most skin doctors ban a sport during the taking of a year. This should also be taken seriously, I know people who actually went wrong, they continued to do sports and died of it. I decided against taking myself, because of the side effects and the sports ban, but at the end everyone decides for themselves.

All good for you

2 months ago
Reply to  Rko2010

Yes, that is true, very good, as you are already informed😊 many are not before taking

2 months ago

Are you taking steroids? If so, that’s the reason.

If no, I’d change the skin doctor.

2 months ago

Since you have bodybuilding ambitions, I’m wrong with my assumption that you’re injecting substances into your body?

Acne is one of the side effects of anabolic steroids.