Islam frage brauche Hilfe?

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und zwar hatte ich gerade Ärger mit meiner Mutter weil ich mir Shampoos und Gesichtscreme kaufe meinte sie Inshallah fallen deine Haare raus und du kriegst Akne. Meine eigene Mutter. Ich habe jetzt Angst dass es wirklich passiert da es ja mir meine Mutter gewünscht hat. Es macht mich echt traurig. Geht an meine muslimischen Geschwister die Frage

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1 year ago

Assalamu alaikum,

I can understand, but your mother certainly didn’t mean it! Don’t forget, she’s got the pain to wear you around, held you up, raised you, and much more, why would anyone who loves you more than anything in the world want to do this to you? If she had meant it seriously, she would have sworn about it.

Sure she was just in bad mood. Sometimes you don’t care what you say. Did you do something she’d eat?

I hope I could help you:)

1 year ago

Assalamu alaikum

If your mother is wrong, then nothing will happen İnşaAllah


1 year ago

The question is more why your mother said this?
Did you do anything that made her angry? Or did you just go shopping without letting your mother know?

If you were wrong and have committed a mistake, apologize to your mother and insha’Allah will not fulfill her Duaa’

1 year ago
Reply to  Zufall022

Something must have happened before, otherwise your mother would not have said that

1 year ago

I still don’t check why your mother is mad at you. Maybe because you don’t use the stuff all the time because they’re in your closet for longer. Allahu A’lam
Insha’Allah won’t hurt you. Hab decree on Allah جلاله, the Merciful and belong to the Standing