Ischalgie , was hilft euch?
Hallo ich hab mir am Dienstag wahrscheinlich den Ischias eingeklemmt oder so
musste auch nachts wegen den Schmerzen ins Krankenhaus, Joa aber so interessiert hat es da kein einfach nach 7 Stunden mit Schmerzmittel und Muskel entspanner nach Hause geschickt (beides wirkt nicht ) .
Jede Bewegung tut einfach so weh . Ich war dann natürlich beim ambulanten Orthopäden der sagte es könnte der Ischias aber auch die Bandscheibe sein aber da ich kein Unfall oder Ähnliches hatte wohl unwahrscheinlich. Trotzdem zum mrt . Das dauert alles jedoch .
Er gab mir ein stärkeres Schmerzmittel (was ich wegen meinen anderen Medikamenten aber nicht nehmen darf ) mein Magen tut schon weh und mir ist schlecht von den ganzen Schmerzen und Schmerzmittel obwohl ich morgens 40mg Pantoprazol nehme .
Habt ihr Empfehlungen was es lindert ?
wie lange Dauert es ?
The painkillers sounds a little weird to me.
If you’re in pain, you’ll get cramped. And then it tends to get worse. That’s why you get painkillers, not that the pain goes away, but you don’t get cramped.
Normally, however, you also get medical gymnastics in physiotherapy or manual therapy.
I would tend to be treated by the family doctor because he can coordinate the treatment. And he knows what medicines you take. And you get painkillers and probably simple physiotherapy appointments as with the doctor.
Let the painkillers explain it again with the doctor who prescribed it to you. Normally, opioids are obtained with stronger pain and they are also relatively well tolerated.
He prescribed me tramadol but with my antidepresiver said my psychiatrist can trigger it epileptic cramp attacks
As I said, check this with the doctor who prescribed this to you. Here’s the wrong place.
But Hall,
that is actually irresponsible and not a permanent solution.
It is clear that these drugs not only the stomach but also the stomach
the liver is also damaged by pantoprazole.
Didn’t he offer you an X-ray so he could get clear?
I would go again and then, under certain circumstances,
visit other orthopaedics.
If it is the Ischias that begins in the LWS, over the Po
to the thigh, would prefer all stretching exercises
Help. Try this one here:
In addition, simple chimneys with their own weight
very useful, the discs are also sometimes
relieved during the day and the corresponding muscle
stabilised/stamped. Emergency helps
to hang on a rod, initially 15 – 20 seconds.
Always happy and happy
opi venerable
Sorry, I just saw it was a long time ago
– how are you now?
Maybe I should delete the post better?
With the thin symptom location you can only speculate.
Two. Opinion at the Orthopaedic.
Melt yourself at the orthopaedic.
He’ll probably prescribe Cortisone infusions.
This helps very well and quickly.
I’d leave my fingers off Cortisone.
I think that’s what a doctor needs to decide and not the forum here.