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12 years ago

The BO-105 by MBB was and is able to fly temporarily on the back due to your rotor head construction. The heli is from the 70s and is no longer produced today. However, two copies are still used by the Flying Bulls for exhibitions of art. There are also videos on the Flying Bulls website. However, as I have heard, these flights will soon have to be set due to the no longer available spare parts for the old Helis.

Flying absolutely unlimited on the back and much more can however remotely controlled model helicopters that have a collective blade adjustment. Then, for example,

12 years ago

With very memorable helicopters you can make loopings or rolls, but no longer fly over the head, because it would not generate and crash any buoyancy force.

12 years ago

Neither overhead flight nor loopings are normally possible, since when the helicopter is on the head the oil is pressed out of the turbines.
If one would fly further in this state, the drive will drop out and as long as it stands on the head, the rotating rotor (air train in the case) would suck the helicopter to the ground.
In Salzburg there are three helicopters that have been rebuilt to keep the oil under pressure in the turbines.
These 3 helicopters are the only ones that can fly safely on their head.
All the others would be lucky if the oil remains in the turbines.

12 years ago

Jain. Loopings are possible with some helicopters. On the other hand, a constant flight over the head is not, since the helicopter remains in the air by pressing the air down and thereby lifting itself up. A kind of suction effect would rather arise above the head. Due to their shape and direction of rotation, the rotors are not designed to reverse this effect over the head.

12 years ago

Loopings are possible with some machines. This is interesting for semi-trailers and combat helicopters.

In addition, it is theoretically possible to rebuild the rotors in such a way that the helicopter can also fly overhead for longer, which is a very complicated thing for pilot and technology.

All this should not be overlooked, however, that most of the machines you see during the day would be on the ass if you simply turn them around in the middle of the air.

12 years ago

yes, there is something like this in the one, among others, is one of the converted for it and the pilot carries various air figures with it, also overhead, vllt. there is to see youtube. I saw it at youtube, I don’t know.

12 years ago

Yes, there was a report in the television yesterday … but there are very few people worldwide who fly with a heli such art pieces;)

12 years ago

There are only a few helicopters with which this is possible. These include the Bo 105, the Apache combat helicopter, the Eurocopter and the latest US combat helicopter Comanche. It is also a challenge for the pilot to fly the Hubi on his head. However, you cannot fly back longer distances on your back as with an airplane.

12 years ago

There are those with which this goes, but not with conventional machines.

12 years ago

Yeah, but not everyone.

12 years ago

If the problem with fuel supply is solved, yes

12 years ago

Yes, I saw it in the Tv there are 4 art pilots in the world where this can be. Red Bull has two helicopters to make it possible. I hope this answer was good for you

12 years ago

You can.