Is das weird?
Ik das das komisch klingt…aber iwi hoff ich das ich iwann mal mit nem feeder zsm bin oder zumindest einmal gemästet werde…es war jetzt schon paar mal so das ich mich komplett selber vollgestopft hab…das hat mich schon ziemlich angemacht
Bin vollgestopft immer früher gekommen als normal
Bin w und unter 18
Is das weird
I do not have this preference, but I suspect that you will be amazed at the “completely stuffed” the idea of humiliating yourself in a certain way before a partner, because you then perceive yourself as impunity and helplessly subjected to your eating and sex glooms, while still enjoying a feeling of humiliation, presenting you naked in a somewhat unpredictable way (with thick belly, If that is the case, I could understand this preference and do not find it bad, unless you really have the goal of becoming strongly overweight, which of course would be very unhealthy and also many who prefer more curvy women no longer find attractive.
I see not as fetish but as a mental disorder. It is self-threatening behavior if you eat yourself deliberately and consciously fat.
Not everything that people stand sexually is healthy for them. – extreme example: the cannibal of Rothenburg and his victim. Or Pädos uvm…
You should talk to a psychotherapist before you do something stupid.
Overweight hurts you enormously. To eat and feed fat means to make yourself ill intentionally.
Hmm She has written in no moment that you want to become a sick person or want to destroy your body..
I honestly find the recommendation a little dangerous… There are many therapists (psychologists/psychiaters and doctors) who, unfortunately, want to bind such people forever and then call new regular customers.
As long as the body does not experience any damage, everything is ok.. from the first signs or even from then I would like to think about what food you want to take in what quantities to you… “paracelsus: the dosis makes the poison”
Take care and watch.
PS: ez gives first n twix white but yes no strange flexi mexi… thanks for s read hope that this will help you or that you can strengthen your well-being 🙂
You should find psychological help.
So mean let you live your love…
This is a fetish and if you have it, the desire for things is naturally there:) there are worse, no worries
Everyone like him, but I still find it weird.
This isn’t “weird” that’s just KRANK!
I wish you put yourself right on the sniff, tearing you into the crossband and then you have a NO idea of the pain that your body will make if you misrupt all muscles, tendons and joints!
Maybe this pain will cure you from your sick thoughts – I would wish you before it’s too late
no chill
Do you live with lasting pain?
I also have pains.. every day.. despite painkillers:c
Disease is relative – but I was so stupid and ruined my bones and joints by years of weight! Every day consists of back and knee pain! Sit, go and sleep – nothing works without pain!
do you have a disease?
That’s not a fetish thing, a good duo would be a type that stands on thick and a girl that insists on getting thicker. I find beautiful. Can write to me privately if you want to know more about it.
Ok cool
Yes digga dassl cringe n weird
Iwi Hoff zsm feeder with Ivan i a o duzi duzi
if you try all this in German.
This is german
I asked, is not German
Then write slower and so the other people can read it.
This has something to do with respect.
To your question.
What you have for a fetish is your thing.
Whether I find it good or bad.
Even after an accident, athletes in the risk area are on our pocket for unreasonable behavior.
I’m sorry I usually don’t write high German, and that I’ll get more often before, like for example at hoff
And usually I write with shortcuts simply because it goes faster when you tap on your phone
Well, if you can, why don’t you write it like that?
are those too many letters that go out when you use too much of it?
Or are the letters igitt?
Zsm = Together
Feeder=that is a person who haunts her partner
With=common German word
Everyone has his other fetish and nobody should be ashamed of it
Well, but whoever permanently damages his body with his fetish, who falls below a clear limit