Irgendein Tipp?
Ich hab einfach kein Ansporn mehr zu Leben. Ich war früher eine extrem glückliche Person,… Heute ist es genau das Gegenteil. Ich weiß nicht was ich dagegen tun soll oder kann.Mir wird in letzter Zeit einfach alles zu viel.Hat jemand irgendeinen Ratschlag was ich machen kann, um wieder etw glücklicher zu werden?
Many people today have similar problems.
But certainly you had difficult times in the past. But these are past and more beautiful have come back.
I’d think about what led to the deterioration, which you can make sure it gets better again. Better than ever.
There is always light behind every tunnel. And the still unfinished tunnels are possibly hard crunch nuts, but they can also be finished. Evtl. are you just at a point in life where you don’t know anymore. But still, I’m sure you can rebuild a collapsed tunnel.
I’ve had good experiences with coaches in the past. With psychiatrists and psychologists less. Mine often said how poor I am, how bad I am, etc. But most of the time you need someone on his side who builds you, motivates you and solves you.
Get help now, until you get an appointment, it’ll take a bit and it won’t be better by itself. Akut, accept the situation first and not panic.
If you don’t find a place right away, you can also go to an open consultancy office and look for help there or just call the number against the phone.
I hope this will help you to feel good again