IQ Test machen oder unwichtig?
Hallo. Was sind eure Einstellungen zu IQ-Tests? Also z.b. bei Mensa für 60 €. (was ja noch der günstigste ist). Mir sagt z.b. jemand, dass das unnötig ist und einfach nur Geld kostet.
Was meint ihr? Also ich find solche Aufgaben interessant, aber lohnt sich das so einen Test mal zu machen? Es gibt halt diverse Videos auf youtube über Hochbegabung und Geschichten im Internet, dass es viel im Leben verändert hat, aber ist es wirklich so wichtig?
Grüße, Danke
I would recommend to anyone interested in making an IQ test, but must say that it is relatively unimportant. So to answer your question: Yes.
Personally, it helped me to make a test, especially the comparatively favorable of Mensa. It didn’t change my entire life, but at least a few points where I learned to assess myself more realistically. So it is very important to find out what you are hoping to answer with such a test for questions. Personally, after returning from a longer professional stay abroad, I was faced with the question of what I want to start with my career. Since I had been thinking about further studies for a long time, the knowledge about my high talent gave me an important boost to self-confidence and to go through this study.
Something else to the Youtube reportagens. Since I myself am with Mensa, where there are occasional requests for such reports, I know that the reporters are very happy to ask for very special biographies, which are more unusual among the members of Mensa. This sounds for me often already scripted in advance and then a person is searched, which in reality coincides with the script.
The real meaning of intelligence tests is, in fact, primarily the measurement of cognitive performance, such as in matters of school-based suitability or in psychosocial crises. Then IQ tests can be arranged and they are also free.
Otherwise, intelligence tests are actually only interesting in the field of gifting or a general interest in logic and intelligence etc.
Taken alone, an intelligence test and its result in most cases is as good as nothing. There are more important and more meaningful school grades, actual qualifications, knowledge and qualifications.
Something else would be the situation of the subclaim at school, failure there and the question of skipping a class level. Then the IQ can ultimately also play a role, in particular when it is high.
If you pay money for a voluntary test, you will probably prepare and train accordingly, want to use a lot of time and energy on it. This is legitimate and depends on your own interest and splicing.
You can do it, but you don’t get a really exact value. The result depends strongly on the constitution in which one is located. Maybe it’s as similar to sportsmen who are good and sometimes less good.
I once made 8 tests from a book about intelligence and had a tolerance of about 20 points.
I read in a book about an American psychologist who was allowed to accompany the defendants until the verdict during the NS war criminal processes in Nuremberg. He also did IQ tests with Hermann Göring and the others. All turned out to be highly talented or with IQ > 120, with an exception, the Julius Streicher, Gauleiter von Franken, who issued the leaflet “the Storm”. He was the only one with lower IQ.
You can also survive without IQ test. Nevertheless, it can be very helpful to make one. A fundamental problem with the intelligence is that such tests will make the high horse shaking, on which many people sit. Many people have an excessive image of themselves. If an IQ is measured only on average, you either doubt the procedure or you find the EQ and claim that gifted people are unsocial. For people who know that they are gifted, many problems explain themselves in real life.
Example: About 10 years ago, I noticed a lack of process in work that was not in my work area, but in one I had nothing to do with. The person responsible didn’t realize that. I got the job to fix the problem. It turned out that the existing lack of the company had so far introduced an annual loss of 2 million euros and all had overlooked it. I got a high 5-digit premium for my work and the idea of how to solve the problem.
I was then bullied by my colleagues because they were envious. In fact, however, all the mobbing colleagues could have seen it. I have a very high IQ and my impression is that I therefore tend rather not to let myself from the packaging lead to a wrong picture of the content. The average intelligent person treats someone who is well dressed, has a high social status or profession, etc. other than me. Even the beautiful woman is not treated better by me in everyday life than the old, thick man.
You need to know that. I was worth it, I wanted to know.
In many cases, I think intelligence measurements are really useless.
You see at very high IQ things others do not see
and works more effectively, therefore makes itself unpopular.
This is so before the test and after the test. The test does not change anything.
The English language remains the same language, whether you learn it or not.
Most people are just normal, who really has sun-high IQ will remember themselves. Very superfluous.
and as a high accompaniment, the scribble of a 2j is already titled
I know that in any case I can’t be super stupid, because I can comprehend many complex contexts.
Can also be obtained free of charge in the course of psychological investigations. The health insurance fund takes over the costs with the transfer from the domestic physicians.
Such tests are not helpful in themselves. They only inform you about the condition. Helpful can be what you make of it.
As seen, IQ tests can be measured like fever. You can find out what is going on with one and find explanations and, depending on when you do, also act accordingly.
As an adult, as I find, you don’t have much of it. In my opinion, it is too late for funding.
I have been able to realize through IQ tests what (among others) has gone wrong all the time in my life and why I always feel in the wrong place. If I had known this as a child, my life might have been different.
From my own experience and numerous acquaintances at Mensa, I know that it can be quite sensible for adults to find out the IQ. However, I also only know the cases where the surprise was a positive one.
Is there an adult support at Mensa?
Ah, now I understand your approach. I can only agree with you. In such cases this is certainly an enrichment.
Mensa is only entitled to bring gifted people together on a platform. The promotion has to be taken into your own hands. But dedicated members always offer something to experience. I have already given juggling courses and astronomy tours, in which young people and adults have participated up to the age of 8. You can book something like this elsewhere, but within Mensa, access to such offers is quite low.
However, I would not consider this as the central point, why one could also have interest in one’s own intelligence in adulthood. Many people are more concerned with life issues towards career and training. For example, I know many women who were rather forced into simple jobs by their conservative-patriarchic parents’ house (“you will get children and then stay home, an elaborate training is not worth it”) have asked themselves for years why this career does not satisfy them as the colleague: but with this intelligence test they have dared to write to the university. In such cases, a later IQ test is not entirely useless.