Iphone verbindet sich nicht?
Hallo, ich hab ein neues handy (deswegen das foto) weil ich mit iphone große probleme habe seit eben verbindet es sich nicht mehr mit den wlan und den Bluetoothich hab es ca 5-6 mal neu gestartet aber es klappt immer noch nicht woran könnte es liegen?
Because both are off.
Because it turned out the same I can’t even get it.more on no matter how often I turn off the handy
So in the settings at “WLAN” the switch cannot be changed?
I don’t even know
When the iPhone is logged in to the Apple ID, you need to log out what requires internet access. The PC can be used to reset it, with the risk that if it was really a hardware damage and can’t get into the internet anymore.
Settings, General, Transfer/Restore iPhone does not help?
Problem is just I need internet to put it back and that doesn’t work
Then I would reset it and test it for at least 1 week without playing the backup.
Sim card really lacks because I have a new handy it has made a backup last since the spade it only
Could be a hardware damage in the worst case. The latest software is installed? Does the SIM card really fail or is it not recognized?
No both