Iphone 13 pro nicht mehr in neu verkauft?
Hallo ich habe gerade ein Iphone X und möchte mir ein Iphone 13 Pro von Back Market kaufen, weil ich finde das es keinen sinn macht viel mehr Geld für ein neues Handy auszugeben und ich mein jetztoges Handy auch von Back Market habe. Mir ist aber aufgefallen, dass es das Iphone 13 Pro garnicht mehr in neu gibt so dern nur noch refurbished. Warum ist das so? Und das Handy ist doch noch Top und richtig gut oder??
The IPhone 13 is no longer one of the latest phones. We already have the IPhone 15 and this year comes the iPhone 16. Therefore, this can only rarely be sold as a new one. Most (actually all) devices are only refurbished. It doesn’t have to be bad either.
The IPhone 13 is still very solid and a good phone. I have an iPhone 14 Pro myself and that’s enough. The iPhone 13 Pro has little smears. Interesting this year could be the iPhone 16 per. But since you want a new one, you can still buy an iPhone 13 Pro.
The refurbished is not a problem either. This was usually only checked, the battery was replaced and that was it.
Yes, the phone is still top and good;)
Okay, thanks. How long will the phone have updates? So what IOS will get it?
By September 2026, iPhone 13 will receive IOS updates. Security updates longer
The iPhone 13Pro is no longer new because Apple has set production with appearance of iPhone 14.
But it is still very good, even because the innovations at the 14s and 15s are not soooo big.