iphone 11 display schaden immer öfter?

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ich habe jetzt schon mehrfach das display von einem Iphone 11 meines Kindes getauscht. Nun was soll ich sagen.. nach einer Woche kommt sie und zeigt mir dass der Bildschirm lauter grüne streifen hat.. An was kann es liegen ? an der Hülle ? oder passt sie einfach nicht gut genug auf ?

Danke für jede Antwort 🙂


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4 months ago

Poor usage habits can damage a mobile phone significantly, especially in children. Frequent playing during charging, heavy impact on the display or no suitable case & display protection can also cause problems.

Your description suggests that a problem with the Operating system is present. You can check the battery and the functions to decide whether a repair is worthwhile. On various websites there are also many small solutions for the problem iPhone green displays.

If you can’t solve the problem yourself, you should Workshop and have a diagnosis carried out.

4 months ago

The cause is clearly improper, too rough treatment. This is your job to teach her the right way.

Update: Children often have no one, I say, “Technical enmpathy”, get strong with whatever on the display, etc.