iPad Softwareupdate ladet nicht?
ich wollte frage ob jemand weißt was los ist mit mein IPad. Ich habe das iOS 18.2 Update installiert aber es hängt schon eine Weile bei den blauen Balken… weißt jemand was ich tun soll? Es lädt einfach nicht weiter…
Danke für jede Antwort!
you can’t say that the update stops
the best course would be just a little further patient waitingbecause the bar is not always quite accurate; if you are Feeling yours Update is faulty, then go to settings > General > iPad memory. You should see that the Update files are included in the list; you can Delete
ajkcdajefiu wishes you a lot of success with your update!
Thank you
The update needs. It’s already loaded and installed. It should be done now. So all the excitement was for nothing.
It took me 16 minutes and was finished. Wait till it’s done.
I will wait, thank you