Ipad Screen auf PC spiegen?
Weiß jemand Programme womit das geht? Oder vielleicht wie das Kabelgebunden gehen könnte?
(bitte nur Antworten die mir was bringen)
Weiß jemand Programme womit das geht? Oder vielleicht wie das Kabelgebunden gehen könnte?
(bitte nur Antworten die mir was bringen)
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But, how do you know if answer xyz brings you something?
For example, I know different “Screensharing” programs that work. If you don’t like these, I can’t do it.
I tested “imyfone”, but also other “Screenshare” programs.
Load everything and test what you find best.
https://www.imyfone.de/mirror tips/mirror-ipad-screen-to-pc/
Alternatively, you can simply search the AppStore for “ScreenMirror/Share” etc. In the description, it is already possible to see whether this also goes with the PC. This is usually done by Wi-Fi.
Well, I tried it again with Tenorshare. Software loaded, installed, enabled on iPhone & iPad “Image Mirroring”, Tenorshare found and connected, et voila. Not ten seconds since I’m connected to the same network.
No I meant so answers like “no idea”, often seen enough
Ah, okay
Thanks again, get the star
Unfortunately, I have not yet found the really good program, which is also completely free.
Appowermirror worked well with me. Both wireless and cable.
You got a Mac going without extra programs anyway…