iPad Model?

Hallo zusammen,

ich überlege, mir das APPLE iPad Air Wi-Fi (2024), 6. Generation, Tablet, 128 GB, 11 Zoll, in Space Grau zuzulegen. Ich plane, es sowohl privat als auch für die Schule zu nutzen. Hat jemand von euch Erfahrungen mit diesem Modell? Würdet ihr es empfehlen oder eher ein anderes ipad in Betracht ziehen? Ich freue mich auf eure Meinungen und Tipps!

Danke im Voraus!

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7 months ago

I find the 2024 iPads too expensive and oversized. 95% of users never need the performance of the M processors, but still have paid a lot of money.

I recommend the iPad 10th generation with 256GB. Can everything be as good, but is much cheaper.

And if it doesn’t rush, wait 1-2 months. Probably Apple will bring an iPad 11. Generation out.

7 months ago

So I now know the price nciht, but I have the ipad pro? or no idea what that means, but I am very happy with that. the best is the display (120hz) and that you can put the hand on the ipad, but no idea if that might have any ipad.

so if the ipad has 120hz and put this hand off function, I would get it.

where I don’t know how expensive it is and whether you get vlt for little more money, something better