Ipad ergänzend zu mac book für uni?

Hallo zusammen, lohnt sich ein iPad ergänzend zu kaufen zu einem mac book ( hatte es Geschenk bekommen) für BWL Studium. Habe manchmal das Gefühl das wenn ich auf Blatt rechne/lerne ich keinen guten Überblick habe. Evtl. habt ihr da Tipps was ihr an meiner Situation machen würdet. Ipad ergänzend zum Mac kaufen oder doch lieber mit Stift und Papier mit dem mac arbeiten?

Vielen Dank euch schon mal im Vorraus!

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6 months ago

When I did my training and graduation, a surface with OneNote helped me very much. This is a Windows tablet with pen and removable keyboard. Whether you take iPad or Surface is not so important.

For me, it is definitely cool to have digital notes and to be able to search, I also had a problem with physical notes.

No personal experience with it, but a reMarkable or similar could also be worth a look. This is like a large eBook reader with pen, comes closer to paper ran but is still digital.

You can also use IPad as a second screen for the MacBook – this is quite cool. In the end, it’s your thing as you want to work. If for everything somewhere per/contra, you have to fit your way of working.