iPad Akkukapazität auf 84%?

Ist das gut, bei 366 Ladezyklen? Habe das Gerät seit rund 2 Jahren.

Mein iPad entlädt sich halt immer sehr sehr schnell und hab deshalb mal in den Analysen nachgeschaut.

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6 months ago

my iPad doesn’t even show me the battery capacity.

But yes, 84% with 2 years is relatively normal. From the charging cycles, it is rather excessive, but also depends on the charging behavior. For me, this is within the framework.

I’m still wondering why my electric car with 200,000km and 7 years just doesn’t want to fall under 100% battery health xD But you can see that batteries designed for very long use are probably extremely well managed by the BMS

6 months ago
Reply to  Alita18

No offense but I think it’s good that your reader spins and calculates chewing catfish.
The 500 charging cycles are even at 400 KM range at full charge. It is also operational and give to end the car batteries at 80% charging capacity to reduce wear, but this is a reduction in wear direction > 50 %. Let’s still talk about 200 – 250 calculated charging cycles.
Car battery manufacturers are by far no angels with their details and beating until the doctor comes, see here: https://youtu.be/_QNMVMlx48E?si=vUI9urYHJFar2VfP

6 months ago
Reply to  Wiechman

I can’t insert a picture in a commentary, but I’ve read it for a second. Is probably normal with my Karre (Hyundai Ioniq Bj 2016-2020) and should probably be a cobalt reefed uncaputable battery.

Fact is, this thing comes as far as day 1 according to my parents who had that thing before as long-distance car.

In total, 42000kWh were loaded into the car and 40500 unloaded to which one can draw conclusions to lose and for sweet 28kWh net (30.5 gross) also to the number of charging cycles.

The car charges with 70kW comparatively fast and keeps the charging power completely up to 82%. Heat and cold don’t matter to the car.

It also means that the facelift has other batteries, and despite 10kWh more, only 50kW loads and normally ages, including range losses

6 months ago

I quote: According to Fichtner, this can ideally range for 2,000 loading and unloading cycles for 900,000 kilometers. “In 2025, 3,000 cycles will be normal https://www.cleanthinking.de/alternative-fakten-truheit-lithium-cobalt/

According to your data, the car was already approx. 1500 times charged and this at 100 battery health.. I believe you’re going to give it back as you see, but it’s really unrealistic in every respect.

6 months ago

It’s good at 366 charging cycles

Not really, as I find.

This means that you have fully charged your iPad every 2nd day (from 0% to 100%).

Did you use it so much in time?

6 months ago

Is that good at 366 charging cycles? Got the device for about two years.

This is the number of charging cycles in the normal range.

How long you have the device possessed is irrelevant. It depends on your use, how often you have to recharge the device and how quickly you get a corresponding amount of charging cycles together, not how long you have been possessing the device. Others have less or more charging cycles in the same time.

6 months ago

Yeah, that’s normal.

6 months ago

ha, that’s good

6 months ago

A battery should run 500 charges if the capacity drops to 80%.