IP Bann aus Discord?
Ich besitze einen Discord Server und möchte gerne Leute IP Bannen geht das ?
und wen mir welchem Bot ?
Ich besitze einen Discord Server und möchte gerne Leute IP Bannen geht das ?
und wen mir welchem Bot ?
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Ich versuche seit Stunden KI eine Frage zu stellen. Aber es kommt eine Fehlermeldung, “versuchen Sie es erneut”.
all regular Bans from Discord are IP addresses Bans. But you can easily get around when you use a VPN and unfortunately there are no reliable ways to constantly ban someone.
So I don’t know that if I’m running an account from a server, my others don’t even fly out.
IP Ban people – Discord
According to Discord, this is the official case – I think if you’re banishing one of your own accounts, that’s likely to go. You can’t get yourself scared.
No, always except for your own accounts – problem is usually that you can easily change the IP address. That is why we cannot act effectively. If the person goes to the mobile network, WLAN turns off and on again or simply uses the VPN.
well but if I’ve seen someone who’s been rolling, I’ve run him on 2t account, but I could join him like that. So maybe they’re just doing this for unified accounts?
You and Bots have no access to Ip addresses from people on your server
If someone is run by a server, then not only his account but also his IP will be banned, so it already works.
Do not go because neither you, nor the bots have access to the IP of users
The bans on discord are already IP-based.
He does not mean Discord Bans, but Discord Server Bans
Yeah, me too. All bans on discord are IP fans.
because you don’t get the ip addressing the user there is actually just a good one away. you take a verification system where you need to write on the server with discord on a website. so you can deposit a ip that if it is also directly running the account or simply not verified