IP Adresse ändern wegen Hacker?

Hey, ich hab grad eine Multiplayer App aufm Handy gespielt und ein Typ hat angefangen mich zu bedrohen und meinte er hat jetzt meine IP Adresse rausgefunden und dass ich Angst haben soll.

Jetzt meine Frage: Was soll ich tun, falls er wirklich ein Hacker ist, um mich zu schützen?

Ich bin nicht in der Materie drin aber habe rumgegoogelt und rausgefunden, dass man mich wohl nur mit der IP Adresse hijacken kann, was mir sehr Angst macht. Keine Ahnung ob er nur blöfft aber würde gerne trotzdem alle Sicherheitsvorkehrungen treffen die gehen weil gar kein Bock dass jemand auf meine Daten und schlimmstenfalls Bilder zugreifen kann was anscheinend durch Hijacking oder ähnliches geht.

Habe schon den Wlan Router für 10 minuten ausgesteckt und wieder angesteckt aber mache mir Sorgen wegen der anderen IP meines Routers und meines Iphones die anscheinend immer gleich bleiben. Habe auch eine VPN runtergeladen.

Falls sich jemand auskennt wäre es mega nett mir zu helfen hab grad echt Angst der Typ kam voll loco rüber 🙁 Kann ich irgendwie meine IPs ändern? Kann ich sonst noch irgendwelche Sicherheitsvorkehrungen treffen? Oder was soll ich bestenfalls tun?

Danke im Voraus 🙂

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Dultus, UserMod Light

A good day, dear,

find that I can only be hijacked with the IP address

Don’t worry, it’s a bluff. With an IP address you can usually not start much and a “washed blackhat” will not attack you because of any multiplayer game on your phone…

Best regards

6 months ago

If he knows your public IP address, he can confuse your network.

But if 99% safety fails on your router and will not continue.
Usually these IP addresses change regularly. Depending on the provider, it is changed every 24 hours or after a route restart.

Then he has no chance to find you.

With your internal IP, i.e. the one from Router in the network, mobile phone or PC, it can’t start unless it’s in your network.

I guess the IP of your router is Simply because it is the standard IP of most routers. But even with knowledge, no one can get dangerous to you.

6 months ago
Reply to  ineeedhelppp

Now you have to ask yourself how he gets to your mail address. Is the app visible to other users? If so, you know.

Then it’s a mail that’s probably just gonna scare you. Then it is actually easier to get your mail address than your public IP.

And just because he can write you a mail doesn’t mean he can access your mailbox.

Between nem letter can send and all your letters can read is a big difference.

And just so, without having clicked a link without you doing “what is wrong” to subdue you a virus, it’s not that easy.

I assume he wants to scare you.

But you can fight.

Secure the evidence that’s easy, he’s writing to you.

Tell him to the app and if it gets too stupid, show him.

You don’t know if there’s really a crime, that’s hacking, but you have the reasoned suspicion because he’s just writing it and he claims what might be a crime in itself.

6 months ago

On Windows this is not as easy as on Linux Distris.

On Linux this goes:

ip address show 

This allows you to view your information

ls -lha /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/ 

Find the already established connections of the NetworkManager. These are edited with an editor and root privileges or copied to a new connection.

Section [IPv4] the registrations can be made there.

Changes to the configuration must be made by restarting the NM

systemctl restart network-manager.service 

or without systemd with

sudo service networking restart 

All entries are made via Shell/Bash/Terminal

6 months ago

Your public IP address can be found easily. Whether you can attack is questionable. Unless you have 50 services running and 40,000 ports open.

Even if he has the IP, he won’t even be able to determine the exact location.

It’s just a growing child trying to scare you.

6 months ago
Reply to  ineeedhelppp

Your private IP address (another address space) is in your network – not accessible from outside. Because it’s all about the router. And only the router has a public IP address – apart from VPN usage.

6 months ago
Reply to  ineeedhelppp

With this he can start much less, as you already write, this is not public, so it is not accessible from the internet.

6 months ago

How to write correctly;

on the next turn-on/off of your smartphone, you get a new IP address and he can’t do anything.

6 months ago
Reply to  ineeedhelppp

The IP that gets your phone is awarded by the router for devices within your private network, right. The external IP address from your Internet provider (which is not changed for months, depending on the provider, or only if you set the router without current or explicitly reconnect it to the Internet) is available from the outside to your router. Depending on whether its firmware is up-to-date and all known mistakes are patched (stop the manufacturer, many do not make the effort to develop patches) it should be able to prevent conventional attacks. Unless you have released ports that you can access a Windows PC from outside.

6 months ago
Reply to  ineeedhelppp

You probably mean the MAC address; but don’t worry about it, the “normal” user isn’t coming in.