IOS kompilieren eines C Programmes?
Guten Tag,
ich habe neu mit dem programmieren angefangen und möchte ein c Programm kompilieren.
Unser Professor hat uns leider lediglich Anweisungen für Windows mitgeteilt aber nicht für ios.
ich habe bereits mithilfe eines Texteditors das c Programm erstellt und möchte nun über das Terminal die Datei kompilieren.
dann kommt leider, dass die file nicht vorhanden ist.
was tue ich nun?
This is not iOS but macOS. Please install a decent IDE with which you can create the files. A file with code should not be written in a RTF editor. Then install Xcode from Apple’s App Store. Then you give in the shell
one. This will install the Commandline Tools and you also have a C compiler with gcc.
Your file is available in the folder code. Change to the folder with
and then you find your file.
The file is available but in the directory “code”.
You’re in the overarching directory.
you should come to the directory.
If you do “ls” on a file, it won’t make any sense.
Your file is also not a C file, you saved the fake eim text format. When saving, you should make sure that you select “All files” or “C source code” as a file type, otherwise your editor automatically adds another ending.
To compile, you need to install a compiler first. I don’t know which one is most suitable for Apple, in doubt I would try it with gcc.
Tutorials there is enough on the internet then I think in case of doubt it is in the console similar to what you should do on Linux.