IOS kompilieren eines C Programmes?

Guten Tag,

ich habe neu mit dem programmieren angefangen und möchte ein c Programm kompilieren.

Unser Professor hat uns leider lediglich Anweisungen für Windows mitgeteilt aber nicht für ios.

ich habe bereits mithilfe eines Texteditors das c Programm erstellt und möchte nun über das Terminal die Datei kompilieren.

dann kommt leider, dass die file nicht vorhanden ist.

was tue ich nun?

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5 months ago

This is not iOS but macOS. Please install a decent IDE with which you can create the files. A file with code should not be written in a RTF editor. Then install Xcode from Apple’s App Store. Then you give in the shell

Xcode-select --install

one. This will install the Commandline Tools and you also have a C compiler with gcc.

Your file is available in the folder code. Change to the folder with

cd code

and then you find your file.

5 months ago

The file is available but in the directory “code”.

You’re in the overarching directory.


cd code

you should come to the directory.

If you do “ls” on a file, it won’t make any sense.

Your file is also not a C file, you saved the fake eim text format. When saving, you should make sure that you select “All files” or “C source code” as a file type, otherwise your editor automatically adds another ending.

To compile, you need to install a compiler first. I don’t know which one is most suitable for Apple, in doubt I would try it with gcc.
Tutorials there is enough on the internet then I think in case of doubt it is in the console similar to what you should do on Linux.