Investor anschreiben?
Wie schreibt man einen Potentiellen Investoren bzw Business Angel am besten über Instagram an? Ich weiß es ist nicht die beste Seite für eine Kontaktaufnahme, aber leider die einzige Möglichkeit.
Wie schreibt man einen Potentiellen Investoren bzw Business Angel am besten über Instagram an? Ich weiß es ist nicht die beste Seite für eine Kontaktaufnahme, aber leider die einzige Möglichkeit.
Ungefähr bitte schätzen
Ich bin 24 Jahre alt und beziehe Geld aus einer privaten Rente die mein Vater für mich abgeschlossen hatt. Diese Rente bekomme ich weil ich psychisch krank bin und nicht arbeiten kann, allerdings wird mein Gesundheitszustand alle 2 Jahre überprüft ob mir die Rente auch weiterhin zusteht. Könnte man von dieser Rente zum Beispiel ein…
Hallo ich möchte unbedingt mit affiliate Marketing anfangen bloß hab ich wirklich null Reichweite kann man es auch ohne Reichweite hinbekommen wenn ja wie
hat das von euch shconmal jemand erreicht lad?
I understand that you are in a tricky situation and looking for ways to reach investors. Nevertheless, even if Instagram is a popular network, it is not the best place for such requests. Put yourself in the position of the investor: it probably receives numerous messages and requests every day. a message on Instagram could easily be overlooked or not the serious attention they may deserve.
Nevertheless, if it is really the only way to get some tips here:
Make your profile appealing:
Make sure your Instagram profile professional looks. A clean, clear profile image and a concise bio are a must.
Follow the investor and participate actively and respectfully in his posts. That’s how you’ve been feeling positively.
Short and clear direct message:
Write a short, clear message. Imagine explaining what you’re doing and why you’re turning to him. Be polite and respectful.
Be patient:
Be patient and wait for an answer. If you have not received an answer after a reasonable time, you can send a friendly follow-up message.
Research the investor thoroughly. Know his investment preferences and history. Show in your message that you did your homework.
Offer the investor to continue the conversation via a more professional channel, whether by email, telephone or at a personal meeting.
Nevertheless, it would be useful to look for more professional channels in parallel to contact investors. Think about LinkedIn, specialized network events or direct emails if you can find contact information.
If you don’t get a reply or notice that Instagram not work, don’t let yourself be discouraged. It is often a long and laborious way to find and convince the right investor.
Here are some more advice:
Visit start-up events, fairs or conferences. Here you can make valuable contacts and learn how to best present yourself and your project.
Log in to platforms specifically designed for connecting start-ups and investors. Many of them allow you to introduce your project and find investors.
If you don’t have one yet, create a solid business plan. It is not only required by investors, it also helps you to think and refine your business model.
Practice your pitch until you can sleep it. A convincing pitch is often the key to attract investors for your project.
Get feedback from mentors, other entrepreneurs or trusted people. They can provide valuable perspectives and help you improve your strategy.
Don’t let yourself be discouraged. Many successful entrepreneurs have received numerous rejections before they have found the right financing.
Good luck!
Are you well prepared for the pitch if you want to present the whole thing after contacting (live or on the phone)? I’ve got one Course of conversation for you, which an average more prepared Pitcher with a critical investor has led:
Investor: Okay, another pitch… let’s get this behind us. Why should I invest in your idea if I’ve seen dozens of better elaborate projects?
Pitcher: Uh, well, our idea is quite innovative. We offer a solution for a widespread problem.
Investor: Innovative? Everybody says that. How exactly does your product or service solve the problem?
Pitcher: So, our product uses a new technology that improves user-friendliness and helps customers save time and money.
Investor: That sounds pretty vague. Do you have any specific data or investigations that support these claims?
Pitcher: Well, we have conducted some surveys in our target group, and most respondents have reacted positively.
Investor: “Most” is not a number. What about your business model? Is it sustainable and scalable?
Pitcher: Yes, we believe it is sustainable. We plan to start locally and then gradually expand in other cities.
Investor: Faith and plan is not enough. Do you have a solid financial plan and forecasts that support your expansion plan?
Pitcher: Uh, we’re still working on it, but we’re pretty confident that we will be profitable in the first two years.
Investor: Being reasonable is not enough. How do you intend to defend yourself against the competition? What makes you better?
Pitcher: Our main advantage is the technology we use. It is more efficient and reliable than what is currently available on the market.
Investor: More efficient and more reliable, based on what? Did you make a comparison or a market analysis?
Pitcher: We have examined some competitors and believe that our offer is superior. But we need to carry out further analyses to confirm this.
Investor: Faith is not enough. I hear a lot of uncertainty and lack of preparation here. Before you talk to investors, you should make sure that you have thought through and verified all aspects of your business, rather than based on guesses and beliefs.
Investor: Is your idea patentable? Is there a patent already?
Pitcher: We are currently examining the possibilities for patent application, but we have not yet registered a patent.
Investor: So you leave the door open to anyone who wants to steal your idea? In today’s world, you have to be faster and cover all your bases.
Pitcher: That’s a good point. We will put this up in our priority list.
Investor: What about the team? Do you have experienced people on board who know how to run a company?
Pitcher: We have a dedicated team, but many of us enter this field for the first time.
Investor: So an inexperienced team, no solid financial planning, no comprehensive market analysis carried out, and no protection for your idea. These are many red flags. You should consider if you’re ready to start a business.
Pitcher: I really appreciate your honest feedback. It is clear that we need to put more work in our preparation to resolve these and other concerns.
Investor: You’re welcome. Remember, it is always better to be criticized hard and then improved than to weigh in false security and then to fail. Use this conversation as an opportunity to grow and learn.
Pitcher: Absolutely, this is valuable input and we definitely see it as an opportunity for learning and improving. See you next time!
Investor: Until the next time. Great success and work hard!
Hello Manuel,
It would be better if you tried it as other successful startups did:
If the idea is good and first customers are interested, it is also possible to get financing. 🙏
Good luck! 👍
Put business plan online as PDF and send the link to the investor.