interpretation von dem Gedicht?

Hallo habe im Internet n Gedicht gefunden. Irgendwie berührt es mich aber gleichzeitig versteh ich es nicht ganz. Wie würdet ihr das Interpretieren?

Wie kann man nur so etwas schreckliches fühlen, schwimme hier im kühlen.

Gewichte an den Beinen.

Habe keinen Mut, nur schweigende Wut. Eifersüchtig auf das was in Friede ruht.

Es ist kalt. So kalt.

Bin verloren und es scheint als wäre ich auserkoren.

Die Gefühle schwinden somehr ich mich im Wasser Winde.

Es ist Einsam und keine Rettung in Sicht.

Ich will das nicht.

Bitte nimm sie mir, meine Gefühle brauch ich nicht.

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2 years ago


Not at all, it stands for itself.

If it’s from you: I like it well. However, I would leave the last two lines. For it seems the last thoughts of a dying man. He wouldn’t ask to take his feelings away.

With “no salvation in sight” the end of the poet is also at the end of the poem.

and please write “Winde” small.

otherwise: great!

2 years ago

I have the feeling here is talking about negative feelings like fear. They are part of us but can and hurt and even mentally very damaging. I think the poet talks about anxiety, panic attacks or depression. Maybe it’s jealousy.

2 years ago
Reply to  Vi246

cit: “Weight on the legs”?

He seems to be a victim of the mafia and dies in the next few minutes.

2 years ago

I’d like all this to interpret:

This poem seems to express feelings of despair, hopelessness and isolation. The speaker describes the feeling of being depressed and unable to move forward, expressing a feeling of rage and jealousy towards those who are able to find peace. The image of being lost in cold water, swirling and alone, suggests the feeling of being trapped and unable to escape difficult emotions.

The speaker seems to ask for help or liberation from his feelings and expresses the desire to get rid of them. It is possible that the speaker has to fight with depression or other mental problems and feels overwhelmed and is unable to deal with his emotions.

Overall, the poem conveys a feeling of deep sadness and despair, while the speaker has to fight with feelings of isolation and lack of control. It is a powerful expression of the difficulties that can arise when trying to deal with difficult emotions and experiences.

Hope I could help.