Internetradio mit einen öffentlichen WLAN verbinden?

Ich möchte in meiner Firma ein Internetradio hinstellen. Wir haben zwar ein WLAN, jedoch muss man sich bei diesem WLAN anmelden indem man Datenschutz ect. zustimmt. Das kann ich jedoch mit dem Radio nicht. Hat jemand eine Idee, wie man den Radio mit diesem WLAN verbinden kann?

Radio: Imperial i105

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2 months ago

This is only possible if the WLAN does not perform such LogIns confirmations (which are no longer necessary from the legal side).

However, you must have permission from the company to operate the device there. On the one hand, whether it is possible to soak up their rooms and on the other hand everything connected to the company’s electricity grid must be taken into account in the corresponding technical tests of the company.

2 months ago

Most of these rate supported unfortunately no captive portal (this website where you need to select things).

The only “smarten” speakers where I know 100% that they can be connected to such a WLAN are Apple Home pods.

The only way you have, apart from a new radio, would be to talk to your IT department. These can usually help here.

Unfortunately, there is no other way.

2 months ago

Possibly second phone with hotspot via WLAN.

2 months ago

This is only by talking to the company IT department and getting a special regulation for this device.