
Hallo ich ziehe bald um und möchte mir ein Internet Vertrag machen so bis 60 Euro im Monat mit TV. Ich weiß nicht was für ein Internet Anschluss ich haben würde im Apartment. TV und Internet Anschluss in einen Vortrag wenn es gehen würde

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5 months ago


I’ll join my previous speaker. :

You should first learn what connection options are in your apartment. I’m sure the landlord can help you or you can ask your neighbors.

Then you can specifically search for an offer for you.

Best regards


5 months ago

You can’t help. You need to ask your landlord if it is at least. one of the following to your apartment room:

  • Telephone copper line (mostly Telekom)
  • BK (usually Vodafone)
  • Glass fibre of …

Ideally, she still has the ID of the can in her room (the ID on the can is not always available). Then it’s super simple to book. However, it is necessary to be on site and to help the technician or have ensured that access to all facilities that are important to him.

If Telekom-DSL you have a wide range of providers. At BK only a small one. And in the case of glass fibers, it is very important to the network operator. For example, our Green Glass (UGG) offers O2 (UGG belongs quasi O2) and regionally a few smaller suppliers.

Go to Verivox and check24.
