Internet connection?
Hi everyone, I moved and the technician couldn't connect my internet yesterday. He suspected it might be my router, so I bought a new Fritzbox 7530ax, but I still have no connection. I don't have a DSL connection (F-shaped) in the wall, just a LAN connection. A cable leads to this connection directly from the switch cabinet downstairs. My neighbors have the same one, and their internet works perfectly. Now I'm wondering if I even connected my router correctly. Where should the cable be connected on the router? The provider is 1&1.
Thank you.
If the APL “switch cabinet” is meant, it can already work.
In this case, I would suspect that the occupancy of the can or in the APL is not true. The DSL signal must rest on the two middle pins (4 and 5).
However, the technician should have been able to do that – probably there are some essential information.
If you have a DSL contract, your cable has to go to the Fritzbox DSL port, this is the gray left.
If everything has been properly patched (network box and connection from below), and you do not have your own TAE can in the apartment, this should work with a normal patch/network cable that you plug into the Fritzbox and the network box. Does every room have your own network box? If necessary, the network cans in your own network cabinet are not patched/connected.
Lastly, you can plug your router directly into the control cabinet and test whether it works. If this is not the case, an electrician/technomist must direct the line to your can.
Edit: Could the technician measure and confirm that everything works up to your apartment? Otherwise, he should have dealt with the problem.
It’s a network.
Do I have to take the Wan connection at the router or Lan1?
No, if you have booked DSL, you must also take the DSL jack on the router.