Internet connection not reaching PC properly via LAN?
Hello, for a few days now, I've been having a problem with my internet connection on my PC. I have a 1 GB connection, but the speed test only shows 40 MB. This problem has been going on since I took the PC to my friend's house and then got home. Yesterday, I had good internet again, but today it's bad again. I've had this problem for a week now.
Your PC also has no internet connection, but a local network connection. This must work error-free, only then you can access your router’s Internet connection (and routing functions).
What makes the assumption that the network card configuration can have been modified here so that your computer has worked in this foreign network. Possibly that you haven’t undone these changes yet.
At least, you will have to start the network connection on the PC to find out if the settings to your own network are correct at all.
Under Windows -> Command Prompt -> ipconfig /all
In the output, see which data are entered there for its own IPv4, the subnet mask, gateway and DNS server.
Here the IP should fit the router network, gateway and DNS are usually entered with the IP of the router.
If the computer itself uses an IP that starts with and the data is automatically related…. Restart routers and wait for what happens or manually assign a valid IP address from the network to the computer.