Internet PC slow but not everywhere else?

As you can probably tell from the title, I'm currently having problems with my PC. The internet is pretty slow there, but everything's working fine on my phone. I don't know what's wrong or what the cause could be, because it takes me 10 seconds to successfully access a Google page. Please help.

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3 months ago

because the internet is somehow very bad there,

No, it’s not.
Your PC doesn’t care about the Internet. It is not interested in which terminals you use and does not operate them differently quickly.

So if your PC has problems, it will already be found in your local network. And then I would first control the direct connection of the PC to the router….
As this connection looks, whether different transmission media may be used in which the signal must be converted in each case, or whether the network utilization of your router at the interface used is quite high, or whether a radio connection is perhaps used in which the signal is simply not sufficiently strong…. we do not know the local conditions and the structure of your network.