
Ich habe mit einem.nachbar vereinbart dass wir die Kosten des internet teilen – der hat mir dann die daten und das passwort gegeben – ich kann mich aber nicht anmelden da im Netz die Verbindung nicht angezeigt wird – es ist verschlüsselt – weiss jemand Rat?

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4 months ago

Perhaps the reception is not enough to you

4 months ago
Reply to  Repwf

it can also be that, the network is just camouflaged and has no SSD entry.

4 months ago

Use the free Android app Fritz App WLAN and check where the WLAN signal is still strong enough in your apartment. Because Wi-Fi has a range of roughly 20-35m, and if thick walls are in between, the range is even lower.

Find a place where the Wi-Fi reception is still reasonably good, and there place a WLAN repeater that can supply the rest of your apartment.

If a smartphone does not display Wi-Fi, but your other device (PC, laptop, ???) does not, then it can not support Wi-Fi channels (often the upper channels 12,13,14 or > 50 cannot be used for the US market).

Good luck!