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I would simply collect names that I like and then talk to the partner until both are satisfied with a name.
This has nothing to do with what the name originates from, because I do not restrict myself to names that are common here.
There must be a name that pleases both. This is also in a relationship where both have the same nationality.
I would search for a name that is common in both cultures or at least sounds good.
What is your name? What do you want to express with the name? Remember a deceased, take a fashion name, one with tradition, one that only appeals to you? How does the first name/first name sound in combination with the last name? How to write the name?
How could a beautiful name be shortened? This is always to be expected. Even if you consistently call a double name, someone or the child himself will find a shortcut…
Take thoughts, let the name choice take place. As you call your child, say a lot about yourself.
Just that I find beautiful.
What country is it?
There are modern names of all cultures
Normal names that work mainly in the country of residence and harmonize with the last name.
An Aishe Bratbecker or a Jeremy Özoguz will never have it easy in life, no matter where.
the father of my children is not-German. I gave name after what I found beautiful and understandable for Germany