
Hallo ich bin in der siebten Klasse und möchte unbedingt auf ein Internat gehen das Problem ist das meine Eltern mir das nicht erlauben. Ich will aber unbedingt dahin weil ich auf meiner jetzigen Schule soziale Probleme habe und ich mich auf einem Internat wohler fühlen würde. Meine Frage währe ob ihr eine Idee habt wie ich meine Eltern überreden kann?

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1 month ago


I can understand that these social problems are difficult. But if e.g. mobbing is then the mobbers would have to change school and not you. If you’re just quiet, I don’t know if a boarding school would be the right one. It depends on several points:

  1. Could your parents afford that?
  2. What benefits does the boarding school you don’t have at your current school? (And I think more social interaction would not be a good argument to your parents)
  3. Is there a reason why your parents don’t want you to go to school?

And just a little tip at the edge:

I think if you were on a boarding school, your social situation might even worsen. Because on boarding schools you cannot discuss problems with old friends or family members. Besides, you live there, you have to share a room with people and have no room or time for you.

Other tips would be:

I do not see good arguments for a boarding school and social interaction as an argument of why…

1 month ago

But I really want to go because I have social problems at my current school and I would feel more comfortable at a boarding school.

  1. Why then does an internship and not just another school?
  2. How do you know you’d feel better at boarding school.

There you can also get social problems, but don’t even see family and old friends.

My question is if you have an idea how I can persuade my parents?

Ask them why they don’t want you to go to a boarding school. Perhaps they – more than you – are aware that you will not be happy on a boarding school. Because you would see your parents only during the holidays and possibly at the weekend.

Maybe they don’t want to do it because they simply couldn’t pay the boarding costs of several thousand euros per month.

1 month ago

You can talk to your relatives about it, the relatives can also affect your parents positively if they are.
Make a list of “pros&cons” and show your parents. It is essential to mention the social benefits.

1 month ago

It’s hard to talk to parents.

Did you think about changing either class or school?

Consider other leisure activities?

1 month ago

You can’t persuade your parents if they don’t want it. You can also get social problems in boarding school. Whether your parents can afford it or want, you have to leave it to them, you cannot have their money.

1 month ago

And who or what guarantees you that you don’t get at boarding school the same as at your current school? Now you don’t see your schoolmates at least after graduation, you’re 24/7 with them at school.

1 month ago

Maybe you should ask yourself if your parents can really afford an internship. Because i.d.R., children do not have a realistic insight into the economic circumstances of parents…. i.e. commitments plus general expenses in relation to monthly income.