Interesse an Drogen?

Hallo, mir ist langweilig also starte ich eine Umfrage, die ich interessant finde und euch vielleicht auch interessieren könnte.

Ich frage mich schon immer, ob Menschen die keine Drogen ausprobiert haben, Angst davor haben Drogen zu konsumieren und die, die Drogen konsumieren, Angst haben ein Leben ohne Drogen zu führen. Manche Konsumenten leben ihren Alltag mit Drogen. (Die Rede ist nicht von Drogen wie Zigaretten oder Alkohol, sondern illegale Substanzen)

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2 years ago

I used to cried a lot and found it very pleasant, but it also stops moving out of its comfort zone and is completely unsuitable for complicated thinking tasks, so I gave it up again.

2 years ago

“trust” is not the right word. I have no desire to consume drugs (except alcohol).

“trust” means for me, it would be such a kind of courageous sample. I think that’s silly and childish.

2 years ago


With me it is actually ‘no interest’ .

And why should I start “trying out” what I never needed in my life and what I can absolutely not estimate the impact.



2 years ago
Reply to  girlmode


2 years ago

No, it doesn’t. I just don’t feel relaxed.

2 years ago

So with me it’s like this: I know several people who have really messed up their lives through drug consumption. I don’t want ends like that. That’s why YES – I’m afraid of drug use.

But the fear of it is not the main reason why I do not consume drugs. The main reason is because I have no interest in it. I don’t know why I should do that. There’s no person I’d want to prove with drugs how cool I am. I have fun and joy of living without the consumption of drugs. And my health is very important to me.

That’s why I’ve never smoked in my life. And I also consume alcohol extremely little (maybe one to two glasses of champagne per year)

2 years ago

I’m really scared to use drugs, especially because of some bad experiences and because you never get more than you give.

2 years ago

… because in the Philippines it is forbidden for all under 21 to take drugs or illegal substances. There you get serious punishments (to go to jail, fines, etc) when you give young people drugs.

2 years ago
Reply to  girlmode

Yes, up to about 3 years

2 years ago

But would also say that this is becoming more and more normal today.

2 years ago

I saw alcoholism as a child. There were noise states and the substances they cause. Fear is therefore not, but Ekel is also a strong sensational.

2 years ago

Just never interested me. Apart from that, I had someone in the family who used to have a drug problem.

2 years ago

I already have Bammel when the doctor writes medicine where the can says it depends. At the moment, I’m in pain, just take the minimum dose (1 times instead of three times)

2 years ago
Reply to  girlmode

Sometimes there’s nothing like that against pain.

2 years ago

It’s just that.

2 years ago

Unfortunately true:-(