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Given the current problems Intel has with the processors of the 13th and 14th Generation has, even I, who has usually used an Intel processor to date, would advise an AMD processor.
Take the AMD Ryzen 5 7500F. This is under the line of the better processor. In addition, the AM5 platform is supplied with new processors for a long time, so you can upgrade later.
I’d take the Ryzen 7500f.
Intel:I’d rather take if you want to do a lot with image and video editing,and to shock.
AMD:Especially if you only want to shock and don’t go to video, sound or image editing, although this is quite good with the newer models.
Just report to questions.
The fairy is as old as Merlin’s beard has been overhauled for years
and just because of CPU-Gate at Intel you should boycott the shop
7500F with the upgradeable platform
The 7500f