Instrument spielen?
Hallo liebe Nutzer!
Ich möchte euch mal fragen, welche Instrumente ihr spielt ^^ Wenn ihr keines spielt, dann stimmt einfach ab, was ihr am liebsten spielen würdet.
LG 😀
Hallo liebe Nutzer!
Ich möchte euch mal fragen, welche Instrumente ihr spielt ^^ Wenn ihr keines spielt, dann stimmt einfach ab, was ihr am liebsten spielen würdet.
LG 😀
Hallo zusammen, ich bin eine Studentin und möchte klassische Stücke und Technik üben. Als ich Klavier lernte, war das Klavier zu Hause ein Flügel, ich bin aber ausgezogen und wollte immer noch auf einem echten Klavier üben, aber anscheinend wäre es nicht möglich. Ich ziehe ab und zu um, deshalb sollte das Klavier nicht schwer…
Ich liebe Musik und schreibe selber schon seit der 2. Klasse Songs. Vor 4 Monaten hat mein Freund Schluss gemacht und ehrlichgesagt bin ich gerade sehr verwirrt über meine Gefühle. Ich habe kurz nach der Trennung auch schon einen Song dazu geschrieben der wirklich recht guet geworden ist. Doch seit dem (vor ca. 1 Monat)…
Hi Vielleicht nutzt jemand von euch die App Yousician (das ist eine App um Gitarre zu lernen) Wenn ja, lohnt es sich eurer Meinung nach die Premium Version zu kaufen oder nicht was habt ihr allgemein für Erfahrungen mit der App gemacht? Dankeee 🎸
Weiß jm wo ich dieses Stück finde (wollte es mir mal anhören aber es kamen nur andere)? Es klingt nämlich total schief wie ich das spiele ich hab das Gefühl ich mach was falsch. Kann mir jm helfen? Hab um 16 Uhr Klavierunterricht und müsste es da halbwegs können. Ich dachte nicht dass das so…
Spiele seit mehreren Jahren Klavier und singe manchmal. Würde aber nicht wirklich behaupten das ich gut singe, wollte aber trotzdem mal eine Meinung dazu einholen. Bitte bleibt Respektvoll. Danke für eure Antworten! (Original Song: Abstract: no more hope for the hopeless)
Was sollte man am besten vor dem singen tun dass gut für die Stimme ist ?
Keyboard 😅 Trumpet but there I get only 3 melodies so really can be different 🤷 ♂️
My brother also plays keyboard ^^
How long have you been doing this?
26 years 🙈 oh I have become old 😞 had to really 🙈
Oh, okay.
All good has been a decade ago and it was also a redemption because it was very difficult to get sick, it had desired.
Hope you could do this ^^😘
Oh, my condolences:
With us do not marry so many, birthdays usually and once at the funeral of my cousin 😞
Oh okay ^
Wedding parties?
No such thing 😅 the old hit is much more beautiful and since I occasionally also come to party games the most better at 😅
Yeah, okay, you’re right.
“Atemless through the night…” 😉
I played enough of the first 3 years where I had to learn this, so I really had fun not as a beginner I actually found this really tough sometimes and with mistakes in it it didn’t really sound nice at 😅
Oh, okay, and what about classical music?
I’m embarrassed 🙈 listen to metal and rock, but on the keyboard hit and reggae makes me the most joy 😅 I love three little birds that I can also sleep 😅
To age:
You are a wine: it gets better when it is older 😉😊
Wow, that’s really long! Great! What pieces are you playing?😅
Now nothing more haha,but before the summer holidays I stopped with violin and in the primary school I played block flute in a kind of AG
🎻 is a very beautiful instrument! 🙂
Could I ask why you stopped? ^^
Because it hasn’t been really fun any more, and it’s stupid to keep doing it.
In the main thing, I’m a drummer.
I’m playing some electric guitar.
My instrument has many buttons, buttons and sliders, as well as the other instruments that can be connected to it, various buttons and disks.
I don’t like to stand at the front of the stage (except I use the devices with the discs), so I sit back with my technique and wipe out the ones that would come over in front, possibly without this technique, much too quiet…
These are then also illuminated appropriately.
Tenor recorder.
I played with some instruments. I played a piano. (2 years or so even had nen teachers)
Dnach with block flute started for nen year or so. Then the mundharmonica tried (was not long) Then there was nothing left. N bissel lighter tried. And then just nen year e-bass. And then I came back to the recorder.
What I do more for fun than to do the whole thing really intensively. I didn’t see so much time for that.
But what remains to me from all this is that I meanwhile am quite good at reading not in the violin key. (Other keys are problematic) I can read tabs. (Not hard now. Especially if good tabs are also provided with Rhytmus information and not only: —3—3–2–3—2–3— [This type of tabs are covered])
Thank you for your answer!
I played cross flute in the orchestra from 6 years of school and then 2 years as solo.
Okay, thank you for responding!
I played drums for at least a long time, but hadn’t been able to do it for a long time. But if I had fun, I’d have to find it in again.
I can’t (and I’m going to be able to learn it) – but I’d like to play piano.
Hello Fynn,
I’ve been playing piano for 6 years:)
Thank you for your answer
I play mainly piano and sing (which is also an instrument)
I also play a little guitar and ukulele
Violin, but only for 2 months 🙂 I used to play accordion.
I’d love to play drums.
Oh, okay, thanks for your answer!
played piano for 3 years
String and blowing instrument: double bass and tuba.
And blasting instruments used to be.
I play a melodic instrument 🙂
What’s that?
a Lyra 🙂 not the ones with the strings, but the ones with the metal plates
Saxofon would be mega cool ☺️👌
I play accordion, pistol and harmonica.