Instagram Name gleich?
Gestern Nacht haben mir viele meiner Freunde einen Instagram Account geschickt der so hieß wie ich. In der Bio war ein Link zu OnlyFans. Dort hieß sie wie ich in meinem Nicknamen und gab sich als mein zweit Account aus. Was würdet Ihr tun? Ich will mir die Bilder da auch ehrlich gesagt nicht kaufen, weil ich es nicht hinkriegen würde zu sehen wie jemand mein Gesicht in ein anderes Bild reingemacht hat.
If the account requires you to reimburse its ad. Go to the next police station explain what’s going on and mention the OF link.
I know a case where someone created a fake account for a teacher of my former school. The police aren’t making any jokes…
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He blocked me so I can’t report him.
You should tell your “knowledge” exactly as you did here. They’ll find the “Klau- Doublette ” fast.
Acc report
He blocked me. Many of my friends have reported to him, but that’s not enough because it’s not an identity claw.
When seeing your face there it is
Then go to the police is just what runs on your face or your identity when it is so
I’ve tried everything. I don’t get to this acc no matter if I have 5 Acc. The person or whatever knows I have several Acc.
Then you have to do this about 2 acc
I have no access to it because you blocked me and the link is on your account. Many of my friends have already been blocked.
Then you need to report the
I don’t know because I didn’t see the pictures on OF. The Instagram account is empty. No posts.