Insect food for cats?
My boyfriend and I have been vegan for over a year, but we continue to feed our four cats regular cat food with chicken.
However, since animal welfare and the environment are very important to us, we have done some research and found that purely plant-based cat food is out of the question, as cats need some nutrients that are only found in meat.
We've now found a cat food made from insects and have already tried it out – our cats love it and tolerate it very well. Before I change their diet, I'd like to get some opinions.
Has anyone here had any experience with this or is familiar with it?
Do insects provide a good supply of nutrients?
Of course, I will discuss this with my vet beforehand.
Mega, thank you!
I am also very pleased that your cats like to eat the insect food (I love my cat?). This is not the case with all cats.
Yes, I have experiences with the insect food wet and dry of “I love my cat” because I have two feeds intolerant cats and wanted to change to a less worrying feed that is considered hypoallergenic. In addition, my vegan thinking comes very close.
Unfortunately, the one has not accepted it so much and the other has to surrender.
Otherwise, the feed producers should not offer it, so yes, it covers the nutrient content well.
Best regards DaLi♀️ ♀️, Leo😺 and Mishu😺
Thank you for the answer! I’ve tried the FairCat feed for the first time, that’s a mixture of insects and chicken, but they’ve eaten it better than their usual food. I now order the food of “imby”, let’s see how they find it c:
Addendum: Insect food and vegan lifestyle …. I would also pay attention to the type of insect and absolutely to the type of killing. There are two rough differences.
Please be careful to try out many, as some cats hit the stomach. If they like this from FairCat, stay for a few months. It’s just dry, isn’t it?
Oh, I see. Insect dry feed is significantly higher than wet feed from acceptance. Good luck!
I’ve tried more often, I’m afraid I don’t like any of my cats, I’m afraid that’s just standing around and drying out. Have already tried various brands that taste when only a bit away from the sauce, the food itself is never touched:( But you always have access to water and drink enough
Great! Don’t you feed wet food?
Yes, I mixed the food slowly rising under the normal feed for 2 weeks, now feed the FairCat and then switch to pure insect food after I got the “go” from the TA 🙂
To impose your “religion” to an animal is not an animal love”.
And keeping it in captivity neither.
If it cannot live alone in freedom, it only proves that it has been raped in its nature for generations.
I also don’t call it animal love.”
What does that have to do with religion? 1. Veganism and religion cannot be compared at all. 2. I still feed my cats with meat. If I would impose my way of life and moral attitude on them, there would only be purely plant products for everyone for over a year.
I’m just trying to find a not simple compromise that doesn’t harm my animals and is a bit better for the environment and animal welfare, so simple.
If insect feed does not come into question, then this is so and they will continue to get meat.
My cats are all around the 10 years old, they’re here now. I wouldn’t get any more animals in the future, sleep or put them out, I’m sure I won’t.
You can feed insect food (wet & dry) carelessly if you like to eat and tolerate it.