Ins bett gemacht und periode verspätet?
Also ich bin 14 Jahre alt und meine Tage kommen nicht ich bin schon 32 Tage verspätet (bin aber noch jungfrau) und heute Nacht hab ich dann aufeinmal ins Bett gemacht Also Urin und das ist mir schon seit Jahren nicht passiert und früher war das auch nie so schlimm das letze mal mit 3 wisst ihr vielleicht was los sein könnte? (Umd ich hab jetzt Bauchschmerzen nachdem unfall)
It may happen that the period remains. Stress and other things also matter. But you’re only 14, so you shouldn’t worry about it, it’s certainly nothing bad.
You probably drank a lot before you go to bed, and that’s why you went to bed or maybe dreamed badly. But isn’t that bad, can happen once 🙂
Do not make so many thoughts
It has nothing to do with the period. Mine didn’t come three months. It’s normal in the youth age. Making it into bed can also be something else.. badly dreamed or something. Don’t worry about it
Too much to drink before bedtime, and maybe still dreaming you’re in the bathroom?
As for the period: You are in puberty, and there are also hormonal fluctuations that can cause an irregularity of the period.
You write that you are a virgin – that alone does not protect against pregnancy. If you’re intimate with a boy and somehow get his cum on or into your vagina, pregnancy is also possible.
I’ve never been intimate with any young
Then it will be hormonal. I wouldn’t worry about it – just like the one-time seeding – that can happen.